Man. Just when I was pulling out all my great fall attire (flannels and cardigans), we get hit with snow. I did not see this coming. Thus is the fickle lady weather that reigns over Colorado. I think we probably had 8-10 inches fall of wet heavy snow. So heavy in fact, that we had trees snapping and falling on power lines. Here's the silver lining, we got a snow day! This gave me an opportunity to catch up on being unproductive, and gave my friends a chance to make a great snow fort on Gunter Green! (Note to all snow fort connoisseurs: Never leave you snow forts unattended due to ruffians that roam around looking for fun ruining activities to partake in). I'll attach a picture of the snowy street that I took on my phone. Look at the tree that's leaning. One thing that's nice is that Greeley does an awesome job getting streets cleared after big storms, I never feel stuck anywhere.
I've recently become fond of walking to the campus music store right off of 16th street. They have so many folksy guitars there. I also have an egg shaker and a tambourine that I purchased there once. Hey that reminds me, my band will probably be playing at Open Mic Monday, just one of the great events that UPC (university program council ) puts on during the year. It's always a blast. Well hopefully this whets your pallet until my next blog.
Later days,
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