Monday, February 27, 2012

I saw a wolf in the wild!

No, no guys, don't worry, there was actually no wolf at all (you can go ahead and put your silly team Jacob shirts away). Speaking of wolves, did you know that in fifth grade, my class mascot was the wolf? Oh really? I'm terribly surprised. Well now that we've made a nice segue (unfortunately not one of these bad boys)
let's talk about mascots. How ferocious can they really be, right? Well you've heard of the gators and the various array of large cats, but no other mascot can make you wet your pants faster than Klawz the Bear.
I know that you're terrified, but try to hold it together for the remainder of the blog. Here's a couple of shots that I found of Klawz in his natural habitat:

Is it just me, or is Klawz the Bear a real cutie pie? My point in all this is to really show you, that while there are some menacing mascots prowling around, none can stand against the majestic nature of the bear. Don't be fooled by the other bears either (cough, cough, Baylor). Sure they have a bear pit in the middle of their campus, but do they have a dead bear in their university center??? Because UNC does!

I think I've made my point.

Stay Beartastic,


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You can learn until your guts spill out

Going to school is great. At college, there is a wealth of knowledge! see what I did there? You can learn E=MC squared, the square root of 126,782, how to make a square deal with someone in the business world, or how our campus is not at all a square, but more of that shape that people use to represent infinity. One thing that college can't teach you however, is how not to be a square (a L-7 weenie if you will). While college is filled with learning that will no doubt help you for the rest of you life, sometimes, you have to attend the school of hard knocks at the same time to really learn how to navigate the jungle that is our lives. Perhaps you can relate to this young man.
The best nerds of all ever (46 pics)
I'm sure that he's a perfectly nice boy, but it's safe to say that he might not know how to relate to people at a high level (Beyond level 39 warlock). So here's a couple tips to help you be cool at school:

1.) On your first day, tell your teacher that they look like a celebrity. That usually gets a rise out of people. (Bonus points if they look nothing like them).
2.) Make sure to say obvious things that people just don't point out like: "wow, it's awkward and quiet in here", or "Gee Whiz, all the guys probably try to flirt with you because you're so pretty." People don't normally say what they're thinking, so it makes you different and bold.
3.) Ride a scooter around campus. Need I say more?

Well these should get you off to a good start. Good luck and make me proud you Masters of Cool.

Later days,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Take a look, it's in a book, it's reading rainbow!

That title is what we tricksters like to call "the ol' bait and switch". That's right. Instead of talking about reading rainbow, this blog is going to be about something that the entire world, But mostly America can appreciate...THE SUPERBOWL. This year is shaping up to be a good old fashioned clash of the titans. Regardless of if you like football or not, chances are, you'll be watching the game. This year, I'll be cheering for my New England Boys. You see, I lived in New Hampshire during my psychological formative years (9-12). Who else would I cheer for?
There are plenty of decisions to make surrounding the game; who will you cheer for? What kind of chips and dip should you purchase? Is anyone going to bring mini corndogs? Perhaps the most important decision that surrounds the Superbowl is where you're going to watch it. You're superbowl watching experience could very well hinge on this decision.
For me, I'll be hanging out with the Challenge folk at Zoe's Coffee shop. Zoe's is a local hangout here in Greeley, CO. It's a hip environment located in the heart of downtown Greeley. College student's often times make this their regular hangout/homework spot. It also happens to be hosting a Superbowl party this Sunday. I look forward to hanging out with the Greeley community at Zoe's this weekend. I also know I'll enjoy watching my boys take home another Championship (on a side note, it makes me so sad that Rob Gronkowski is only 22 years old...if only all my talent wasn't squandered during my 7th grade "C" team football experience).
Well guys, get out there, laugh at commercials, eat some chips and corndogs, and enjoy yourself (responsibly)

I'm Outtie 5000,
