Monday, March 19, 2012

For Narnia! And for Aslan!

You know guys, before I came to UNC, (university of natural coolness as I like to say), I went to community college and lived at home with my parents. If you can relate to this experience, you probably understand that while parents are great and all, it's easy to get cabin fever. You're just a kid after all. A kid who needs their independence. As my friend Doug Funny once said, "we need more allowance yodelaihewho, why, because we do!"
Even when students come to college they still itch for adventure.  They look at the globes in the library and wonder, "why can't I be on the other side of this tiny sphere." If you have looked at that tiny sphere longingly lately, I got good news for you.
Here at UNC, we have the best study abroad in the UNIVERSE. Here's why:

-The national average for universities sending students to study abroad is hanging right around 1%.

-Here at UNC we send 13% of our students to study abroad.

-We have over 500 study abroad programs in 55 different countries

-It costs just about the same amount of money to study abroad as it does to stay on campus. In some places it can even be less expensive because of the cost of living

-We have a passport office right on campus in our Center for International Education

-We have brochures

If that isn't enough to convince you, then you probably wouldn't believe that the moon is made of cheese either.

Later days,

(Note: You cannot go to Narnia with the study abroad program...but you can with your imagination!)

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