Monday, April 9, 2012

Sorry guys, Miley Cyrus is not engaged

As you might already know, freshmen get to (have to) live on campus their first year here at UNC. While the residence halls are soooo fetch, it can often times be an intimidating event to move to a new place and not know anyone. You might think you'll have to fend for yourself.
Other times, people think that bringing a pet will help them cope with a new environment. This is a really nice thought; however, the residence halls have a rule that unless your pet can live underwater for over two minutes at a time, your pet must stay at home (sorry air bud). Unfortunately, hermit crabs and turtles haven't always made the best companions.
(except for this guy)

Sorry we had to get that bad news out of the way first. Here's some good news: Even though animals are great, most of the time it's much more fun to have human friends! This is where UNC comes in. UNC makes it easy for you to make friends. It offers a plethora of learning communities so if you wanted to, you could live in a hall of people with similar interests as you.

Another great thing about UNC is the cornucopia of clubs and organizations. Get this, UNC has over 150! That includes the club I'm in, Challenge. As well as some other great ones as well like "illumiNerdy" and UNC Boarders. So whether you want to join a club like this:
or like this...

There is a club for everyone here! That's what I'm always encouraging people to do; find your community within the larger community. In the end, it's going to make all the difference in your college experience.

Later Days!

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